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January 29, 2009
ATG session tracking cookies and subdomains.
If an ATG based web application is available under few subdomains (,, keeping track of session cookies across subdomains may be a challenge. Session tracking cookies (like jsessionid) usually do not have domain property set, which means they are sent back to exactly the same host they came from. So if visitors switch to another subdomain while navigating through the application they would most likely end up having a new session. Depending on what information session holds, the number of visitors and how many simultaneous sessions the server can handle, this may or may not be a problem.
January 01, 2009
I just finished installing Movable Type
Welcome to my new blog powered by Movable Type. Finally got it up and running but it took me a few hours. Cutting the long story short, here is a note of what problems I had and how they were solved.
December 29, 2008
Simple Java program to merge Excel survey results
A friend of mine recently asked me about merging survey results, which reminded me I had similar problem about an year ago and have written a peace of code to solve it. It's not a framework or user friendly application and it's not well documented. It was written in a couple of hours to solve particular problem, but in case anyone is interested here is so called SpreadSurvey.
February 10, 2006
Tagging the latest version of previously tagged files in CVS
Some time ago a set of files ware committed to CVS repository and tagged (lets say with TAG1) . These files have changed a few times since then. Today I needed to tag the latest versions of all files that have ever been tagged TAG1 with TAG2.